A review by readingwithstardust
A Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Christina C. Jones


2.5 stars?

I've read now, 4 books by Christina C. Jones -- including a later book in this series -- and this is the first I have not jived with. So she is definitely a great writer this just wasn't the book for me. More info as to why under spoilers... a bit ranty, apparently I had more feelings than I thought.

SpoilerBoy oh boy did I not understand this books pregnancy plots? I especially do not understand the concept of getting pregnant accidentally *twice* and even though you miscarried the first before you knew you were pregnant, when it happens the SECOND TIME still just being like "oh hey guess we're having a baby" with literally no conversation about it?? Family planning who? Not these people apparently. Baffling. Like not a single conversation was had about like "hey this is a BABY we are about to bring into the world, a BABY. WHO IS GOING TO DEPEND ON US FOR AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF ITS LIFE AND PROBABLY MORE THAN THAT AND ALSO WE HAVE TO RAISE IT AND WE BOTH OWN OUR OWN BUSINESSES AND THAT MAY BE A LITTLE HARD TO NAVIGATE MAYBE" Holy hell straight people what are you doing.

Furthermore, there was a whole wealth of angst concerning Simone's upbringing that was teased but not explored? Instead the main angst of the book was about her best friend who was in a coma, like... okay, that's sad, and maybe if we didn't have more interesting baggage to explore I would have cared more but maybe instead we should have explored the whole "my dad clearly didn't love me, and has always been unfaithful to my mom and this is why I have trust issues" thing that is actually RELEVANT to the RELATIONSHIP considering this book is a ROMANCE.