A review by nlwisz
Sabotage by Emma Gannon


I listened to Sabotage via audiobook, and found it to be quite inspiring. It's quick--not much longer than your traditional podcast episode--but it packs a punch. Emma examines numerous ways in which we inadvertently (or otherwise) manage to self-sabotage. She discusses gender differences and how women in particular are socially trained to keep others happy, often at our own expense. The book also covers how behaviors like perfectionism and a compulsion to downplay our achievements can actually hold us back.

Make no mistake though, readers will also get a dose of tough love: The author touches on self-care and how it can morph into a way to coddle ourselves. We learn about they different ways we conjure excuses for ourselves (fundamental attribution error), and how our need for control paired with fear of failure can sabotage opportunities (because sometimes, it feels safer to mess something up on purpose, than to actually try and then be rejected).

There's a lot to like packed into this little book. These little lessons will help you get out of your own way so you can live a more confident, authentic life.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.