A review by thewitchybibliophile
Unforgettable by K.M. Scott


Well.... I am just gonna put it out there.... Gage belongs to me.. He's my new book boyfriend and I DO NOT SHARE! Holy roller coaster ride! This book took so many twists and turns and kept me on my toes from the start!
Jordan is trying to get over her ex by getting engaged though she never stopped loving him. Gage cannot let go of the girl he loved. And boy does he put up a fight to get her! While Jordan does drive me bonkers at times with her arguing with Gage, I honestly cannot blame her. Broken hearts are hard to repair. What I adored was how Gage never backed down.He dug in so deep to win her back. These two have such strong chemistry that it is hard to deny~
OH but wait.. its the twists that KM Scott tosses in there that make your head spin!!! At some points I was like WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?! The storyline was so intriguing that this is definitely one of those books that you devour quickly. Scott weaves such a mystery in this book that you are dying to know what happens next! I seriously cannot wait till the next in this series comes out because I NEED IT NOW!!! Pretty please with sugar on top!