A review by ambeesbookishpages
Broken by Lauren Layne


This review and more can be found at The Book Bratz!

Whoa. I don't know what I was expecting. But this book exceeded those expectations!

Olivia Middleton has made some bad decisions, and in order to redeem herself she leaves her glamorous life of the Upper East side to care for an injured war veteran with internal and external scars. Paul Langdon, is a 24 year old who would rather drink his life away and sit in a beautiful mansion all day, brooding about his injuries. Besides his internal scars his his external are what hold him back the most. Down one side of his face are three long scars, and his leg is scared leaving him with a forever limp.

The story is told in alternating perspective of both Paul and Olivia. When the two of them meet it is pretty much insta-lust and I am not lying when I tell you the book is full of them resisting their urges and sexual tension. But there is so much more then that. Where Paul wants to give up Olivia refuses to let him. She refuses to see him as the monster he thinks he is. There was times were I was grasping for tissues for this story, especially the end.

I absolutely adore this book. I am still thinking about it. I have seen some of Lauren's other books around but I never picked them up, but now I have reason too. This story was beautifully written that brings forward a real issue.