A review by shadeslayer327
The Traitor's Kiss by Erin Beaty


Ok, I remember seeing this book in Barnes and Noble years ago, and its been on my tbr, ever since. AND I FREAKING LOVED THIS BOOK. I feel like a lot of the reviews I saw were mediocre, and I have no idea why. I can't figure out why this book wasn't more popular.
First of all, one of my FAVORITE things to read in a book is characters who are super perceptive. That was one reason I loved The Winner's Curse so much. I love perceptive characters.
I also loved all of the military and spy tactics, because they were logical and real. (I believe the author was actually in the Navy?) Made it so interesting. I loved the dynamics between all of the military characters.
This book was Mulan esque and kind of had The Kiss of Deception vibes.
I wish I'd been able to read this in physical form instead of audiobook, in fact, l really want to go back and re-read it just to see how the author handled certain things now that I know what is going on. I have no idea where the sequel is going to go with this, but I'm excited for it.