A review by _ash0_
When I Hit You by Meena Kandasamy


4.5 stars
Detailed review at my blog - Link to my blog article

This book should be made a must read for every single girl or woman in India and also the world. I had always heard about domestic violence but I never knew what it was like for the victim. Thanks to this brilliant eye-opening book, I now understand how abusive some men can be. I also wondered why women put up with abusive husbands for years together. I see women post about their abusive and miserable husbands on forums and groups so I was always puzzled why would it be so difficult for them to make a decision about leaving the husband.

Thanks to this book, I understand how women are broken down and manipulated by such abusive husbands and how difficult it is to escape from such a hell. It’s easy to say “just leave or fight” but very difficult to actually do something when you are in that position. What really stuck a chord with me was seeing how similar Meena’s story was with the story of one of my aunts, who had an abusive husband just like the one in this book. What made the life of my aunt even more miserable was having parents who did not support her. I always feel the parents who do not support their children when they are in distress should be slapped.

I hope this book ends up winning the women’s prize. The prose is beautiful and poetic. The narrative style was very different and I found it difficult to put the book down because of that. This was a much needed book, especially considering how horribly women and brides are still treated in India. She even brings up the topics about burning brides and rapes.