A review by katyanaish
Alien in the Family by Gini Koch


This book felt like the pacing was odd. It's still break-neck - that's pretty much the signature of this series - but it felt like this was 2 books stuck together. The primary plot lines all wrapped up around the 50 or 60% mark, and then we transitioned into a different story - the Kitty/Martini wedding story. I kept waiting for something big to happen in the wedding story... like, something from the plot that we thought was wrapped up, but they discover another layer or something.

But no.

I don't know if ... we could have integrated these two halves better, having things more overlapped. Or if we could have just literally had them be two books. But it felt a bit disjointed.

That said, still love the characters and the story. Still got annoyed at Jeff's jealousy, though. And I have to say, that little nugget dropped, about him probably wanting her to stop working as an agent ... that kind of paternalistic bullshit would be a complete dealbreaker for me, so I REALLY hope it doesn't go there.