A review by randikaye
The Next Fithian: An Ordinary Teen on a Strange, New World by Rick Barry

First and foremost, I must start out this review with the obligatory disclosure that science fiction is not my cup of tea, and being in my 30s, I am far from the target young adult audience for whom this book was intended for. So, when I say that it wasn't my favorite--- well, I honestly never would have expected it to be! But for those who DO enjoy science fiction, this story had a lot going for it that I certainly think they will enjoy. The author did a great job of creating this unique world and drawing the reader into it. I think it definitely takes a bit to sort out all the specifics, but then this could also just be me as again this isn't a genre that I typically read and it does take me longer to get into. As a mom, I think it's great to have options like this in the science fiction genre that have a Christian viewpoint so I can feel better about my teen reading it, if he chose to do so. Overall, a unique read. If you enjoy science fiction yourself or have a young reader in your life who does, this is certainly one worth checking out for yourself.

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own.