A review by abiscalia
The Chase by Elle Kennedy


this book had the opportunity to have so much angst and sexual tension, but it really just missed the mark. after months of wanting each other, Summer and Fitz got together in a boring and lackluster way. their relationship honestly lost the spark for me as soon as they started dating. i really liked Fitz’s character at the start, but i hated how he basically changed immediately after they started dating. he spends months unable to tell her how he feels but they have one deep conversation and suddenly it’s not an issue anymore?

there were also so many conflicts that never got resolved. i was expecting Fitz to somewhat resolve his relationship with his parents since that got brought up so much. all the stuff with Summer’s professors and learning never had a confirmed solution. the conflict with Hunter never got solved, but i suppose that’ll work itself out in his book. the ending just felt so unfinished. it almost seems like the author had a limit on how many pages she could write and had to squeeze everything into 350 pages or less. i love the characters of these series and the books are fun, but the writing could use some work