A review by suziereadsalot
Shadowborn by Moira Katson


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Voracious Readers Only.

I loved this book. It has everything you want in a YA fantasy: intrigue, danger, plot, beautiful dresses and, of course, assassins.

I really liked the relationship between Miriel and Catwin - it was true to how 14-year-olds interact. Occasionally, the adult in the writer peeped through, especially with regards to Miriel and her endeveours to gain a husband (slighlty inaccurate description but I'm trying not to spoil anything here). These thoughts pulled me slightly out of the story but now I'm remembering that young adults repeat/think what they hear - so perhaps Catwin picked them up from Roine.

I liked Temar. I shared Catwin's feelings for him really.

Hated the Duke, of course.

I'm very suspicious of Roine. I do want to like her but something tells me that what you see isn't all you get.

I was a fan of the King and then I wasn't. Enough said.

All in all, the story sucked me in and I'm off to buy the next one. If you're a fan of YA fantasy, read this - it's got everything you're looking for.