A review by haletostilinski1
When Death Frees the Devil by L.J. Hayward


4.5 stars

I'm so sad. It's the end of this amazing series. It's the end of getting to read about Jack and Ethan together. They do get their happy ending, but it's hard fought for and I just want to always read about these two together. Their love is <3.

This kicks off three months later and also literally right after the end of the second book. This is different in how it doesn't go "then" and "now" like before and instead goes between Ethan and Jack's POV and then it's them together. But doesn't change how they basically spend almost half the book apart (at least with the then and now's we got to read them together in the then as we had to read them apart in the now).

It definitely made it more painful and frustrating this way for me. Because like of course these two just get to a good place and barely get a moment of that happiness before things blow up and shit.

I do get, ultimately, the journey Ethan had to go on in this book, how he had to try to get his revenge - like Jack did in his past - with no one trying to stop him before he would realize what truly mattered most *cough*Jack*cough*

But even as these two apart, I was riveted to this book - big part because I just wanted these two back together, but also reading what was happening and what they were doing kept me riveted partly as well.

In this final book, it truly is about "freeing the devil" or freeing Ethan (but Jack as well) from not only the Cabal but his own demons that he still hasn't quite worked all the way through.

I took .5 off for this amazing book mainly because there were typos here and there throughout, and also because I wish we had got to linger with Jack and Ethan a little more at times, to get a little more with them. When we did get scenes with these two that focused on their romance they were great, I loved them. But I just wanted a little more before something else came along that stopped their moments together and made them have to push things aside for later or going into action mode and I just wanted a little more.

We go almost half the book with them apart so that already cut down on their time together, and then when they do come back together, I wanted just a little more time where they talked, where they connected again after three months apart. As the last book, I just think it wasn't quite fair all the times they were interrupted or they didn't finish a convo or even one of their sex scenes being more drawn out as they have been in the past. (They were there, but it just felt like the start would be there but then they were glossed over a little bit near the end.)

Overall these things didn't bother me too much because what we did get with these two I absolutely loved and I loved where they end up and seeing them finally get to be happy and together for good, and the romance was definitely there even if the sex scenes weren't all written out in their entirety.

At the end of the day, these two are deeply in love and I love it and I love this series. I'm going to miss it so much (and I mean....I wouldn't be bothered with a short story here or there or little scenes here or there released showing our two lovebirds happy and in love together. Just saying ;)).

What an end to an outstanding series. I really can't wait for more from this author <3