A review by annica_reads_books
Confess by A. Zavarelli


 A Zavarelli’s storytelling strengths lie in fast-paced, intriguing plot lines and unique characters. This book showcased just that! When I first started the book, the hero (an attorney) and heroine (a con artist) were both morally ambiguous and somewhat of a mystery to me, which I really enjoyed. Their individual growth and their growth in their romantic relationship throughout the story was written well. Interesting side characters? Yes, please! Ace, Birdie and Emmanuel were my favorites 🥹.

Certain elements of the plot were predictable, but other parts were not. I didn’t love the hero’s nickname for the heroine - it seemed out of place with his characterization and their relationship dynamic.

I’d recommend this book to anyone that’s in a reading slump because I couldn’t put this one down!