A review by fringebookreviews
10 Things I Hate About Prom by Elle Gonzalez Rose


I loved the flip on 10 Things I Hate About You!!! This is basically if Michael and Cameron had been best friends for years and Michael secretly loved Cameron but now Cameron is obviously pining for Bianca (who can only now start dating bc her dad lifted the bad). In the past Chastity and Bianca were best friends, but some shit went down right around the time that Joey and Bianca hooked up…while Joey was dating Michael. So now Michael and Chastity are good friends and Bianca and her don’t speak. 

The only people missing were Kat and Patrick…which hurt a lil ngl. I think their secondary romance would’ve helped the book feel a bit more complete in the romance department because the one between Iva and Quin was a bit one sided. I didn’t feel like I really knew Quin and would’ve liked a bit more focus spent on him, but I did like their friendship and the tension at the end!

Overall, this was another great read from Joy Revolution!! I’ll definitely be reading more from this author. The narrator was pretty okay, but not my favorite in terms of guy voice. She had great emotion though.


I received an ALC from PRHaudio. All opinions are honest and my own.