A review by ebil
Fanfiction for a Grimdark Universe by Vanessa Fogg


They put short stories on Goodreads now? Didn't know that.

The idea for this was exceptionally cool and the exact right amount of plot device was given to justify it in-universe. However, I feel like the same amount of interest and enjoyment would have come about from a one-paragraph summary of the idea prefaced with "wouldn't it be cool if..." If we had actually SEEN some of the fic with blow-by-blow reactions, maybe that would have made it feel more realized. I had a more in depth critical review typed out but it feels mean to give that for a short story which, unlike a book, doesn't have a bunch of nice reviews floating around to balance that out. Maybe the idea being so good set my expectations for this story way too high. Ultimately, there are more interesting and polished "meta-about-fandom" stories, I highly recommend "Fandom For Robots" or if you're looking for something longer and darker, "The Northern Caves".