A review by erin_lawless
Firsts by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn


A surprising little book that I read almost in one sitting. 4.5 stars.

I'm normally the first person roaring about slut-shaming in YA and NA and so I thought I'd want to put my money where my mouth is and check out this book ASAP, so I was very pleased to get approved on Netgalley. I was a little apprehensive going in - such a difficult subject - there were a million and one ways this story could go wrong, but Firsts seems to have skirted them all.

Mercedes and her relationships were fully dimensional and I loved her voice, her humour, her growth. If you'd told me I'd be rooting for the girl who's slept with 14 other girls' boyfriends I would have given you side-eye, but it's so skillfully handled that you're somehow right on board with it.

Pretty certain this will be one of my favourite books of 2015.