A review by shanviolinlove
Proof: A Play by David Auburn


Interesting play, touching upon mathematics but more heavily upon familial relationships and love. I wish I could have seen a bit more of Catherine's character in the play than I did; her surliness could be interpreted in many different facets (grieving, result of years of burden caring for her aging father, madness, etc.) but to glean another dimension of her would have helped connect as an audience/reader. Catherine seems to respond to characters; she rarely initiated or produced any emotion. Rather, her aggression, her vulnerability, her defensiveness, her love, it is all an answer to another character's words or actions. Which is fine, except that she is the central character.

I enjoyed reading Proof and especially appreciated the different uses of the title word throughout the play. The dialogue is intriguing, believable - in my opinion - between the sisters, though I'm unsure how much I believed the relationship between Hal and Catherine. (Possible spoiler *** does a man really initiate a sexual encounter with a woman who called the police on him? Then again, such exaggerated actions could possibly be excused given the context of Catherine's position.)