A review by vortimer
Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett


My slow reread of Prachett has, perhaps appropriately in a pastiche of the golden age of Hollywood, the golden period of Prachett.
The elements are all falling into place by this point in the novels. This is the first time TP mines what is to become a rich seam, with a real world technology/ideology bleeding into the Discworld providing the opportunity for (mostly) gentle satire.
These are often multilayered; one of the other books I'm currently reading is the complete works of HP Lovecraft, and Moving Pictures also sends up Lovecraftian horror/fantasy.
I'm not sure 19 year old me was aware of Lovecraft when I first read this novel, and properly just thought of it as the dark alien prehistoric evil cliché that is commonly found in fantasy, and not recognised the source of the cliché...