A review by nicspears
#1 Crush by T. Gephart



I really wanted to like this book a lot more than I did. Don't get me wrong the story was there and the characters were there but to me there was too much humour.
I know what you're thinking..how can a book have too much humour? Normally I wouldn't complain at this but for me it sometimes felt a little forced, like the author was trying a little too hard to make it funny in parts which didn't need it. I just felt it overshadowed the overall romance of the book.

I loved the whole premise of the book, who wouldn't want to meet their '#1 crush' movie star? Even if it was just to talk to them. It would be a dream come true.
I loved Tia's tenacity and drive to to do this and I absolutely loved the relation she formed with Eric as a result.
I loved how in retrospect of Eric being a huge movie star he was just a normal, down to earth guy who loved fast food just like the rest of us.

I just think, if the author had toned down the humour a little bit a gave us a bit more of what we got when truths were revealed then it would've been a good 4.5* for me.

*ARC provided in exchange of an honest review*