A review by prags
The Chosen Knights by Mary Ting


For full review - The Chosen Knights on The Inked In Book Blog

*Received a copy as a part of a blog tour. The thoughts are entirely my own and in no way biased.*

The Chosen Knights is a journey into the spectacular with two teens, Lucia and Zach, and their Uncle Davin. The story is an absolute page turner with something or the other happening all the time that will keep you hooked to the story and keep you guessing as to what will happen next. The book is very evenly paced and you’re never bored throughout the story, wishing for it to just to move forward. Yes, some of the twists were predictable, but there were many that I did not see coming at all and those ones were nice surprises.

The plot is very well thought out and complex. I love how there are all these things that you need to pay attention to while reading and those will have results further down the line. The writing is fluid and easy to understand. At the same time, the lush imagery makes it so much better.

The characters though, are the soul of this story. The development arc for each of the characters, even in the minor ones, is splendid. They grow so much through the course of the story. They make mistakes and they learn, they fall and then they get back up. I was absolutely in awe of how some of them grew. That being said, there were a lot of characters. At first, I was a little put off by that, but as the story progressed, we understood the significance of each of them. Also, the author has done a great job in distinguishing them all with such different personalities and traits. I like that.

The main lead, Lucia, did get on my nerves at times, but I had to remind myself that she was just 17 and if I would have been in her place, I would have been worse off. Definitely. But, overall, she is a great character and I found myself rooting for her something fierce. I, however, had a whole lot of qualms with the love interest. He does the typical fuckboi things that I absolutely, freaking loathed! Gosh, that irritated me so much. He is a decent character overall, but I just couldn’t get over how he treated Lucia at times.

Over all, this a very well written book and I really, really enjoyed the premise and the writing! The cliffhanger at the end definitely left me wanting a lot more! I need the next book in the series to come out ASAP so that I can read it because that climax was definitely something!