A review by booksong
The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld


A companion to Westerfeld's "Peeps," this takes the concept of the first book in a new, and fairly interesting direction.

Perspective rotates among five characters; members of a strange band brought together by chance. With the world spiraling into disrepair as the peep virus spreads, these five teens are turning the familiar medium of music into something...paranormal.

Moz, a music-lover and brilliant guitar player; Pearl, a genius at all types of music and a born manager; Zahler, the mellow bass player; Alana Ray, who drums on paint buckets; and mesmerizing singer Minerva, who isn't in fact human, but an infected peep. They all just wanted fame at first, but when it seems their music is calling the ancient enemy of the infected, they may have a bigger role to play.

The characters were interesting and well-done, although their number and the rotating perspective didn't let you know them as well as Cal and Lace from the original "Peeps" (they make a cameo appearance here). But I did appreciate the depth that went into developing such an original apocalyptic plot; Westerfeld has a unique urban voice and a knack for making real teen characters. Music lovers will also appreciate the artistry with which he describes the various musical aspects in the novel.