A review by renpuspita
Dayhunter by Jocelynn Drake


Mira's war with naturi (a fey-like creature) continue in the second installment of Dark Days, Dayhunter. I admit, I'm a little bit confused when read this, because I read the first book, Nightwalker almost a year ago. Dayhunter is a book that better to not read standalone, therefore you must read Nightwalker first to understand :
- Who Mira is
- Who Danaus is
- What are nightwalker and naturi
- What are The Elders and Coven

Assuming people who read this review already read Nightwalker, but not read Dayhunter yet, Mira go to Venice to met the Coven for explanation. Just for her to know that they somehow struck a bargain with naturi, nightwalker's archenemy. Mira also found herself forge an uneasy alliance with Danaus, a vampire hunter. We will know what he exactly is, a part human and part something that stronger than naturi and nightwalker. Mira's hand already full with naturi, her obedience to the Coven (kinda like vampire's ruler), and she also take care "her new family". And once again she got her teeth kicked, for Mira doesn't have control over herself, everyone have their own agenda about her.

I almost sorry for Mira. The way Ms Drake write her insight, her emotion, all feel raw for me. We will understand Mira's rage, her loyalty to those she consider family, her forced loyalty to her maker, Jabari and Sadira, her stubbornes to defend earth from naturi. Mira look strong, yet she full of flaws, sometimes we see her at her weakest condition. Sometimes I just hope she will be happy, but so much question about Mira left unanswered. I think I will know it from the next book

There's scene that maybe some readers will see it as infidelity, when Mira have sex with Nicolai, a lycan that she save from Jabari. While maybe readers want her to be with Danaus, but from the first Mira doesn't hide a fact that she's promiscuous, she doesn't shy away from her sexuality. So, her sex scene with Nicolai is the way she take comfort from another being, to escape from blood and horror she must face. Beside, she and Danaus still enemy, and in the end of the book, they are still plan to kill each other.

Dayhunter, and Dark Days series in particular is perfect if you want your urban fantasy dark and gritty. You want your vampire sensual but so lethal, they don't hesitate to be killing machine. Again, Ms Drake prove that she once of author that make vampire world will proudly admit, she make them like what they are.