A review by ljrinaldi
The Sister Split by Auriane Desombre


A quick read about two families trying to blend together.

Autumn doesn't realize she has a crush on her best friend, just when she is forced to move to the suburbs, that she misses her terribly.

It isn't until Linnea and her friends talk about what a crush is, that it occures to Autumn that that is what is going on.

And does she go and tell anyone? No, of course not. She decides the best way to get back to New York and her crush is to mess up her mother's relationship, so they won't get married.

It is kind of funny what she does, but I keep wanting to shake her and tell her she should talk to someone.

But the book did make me cry, so I give it an extra star. And having been in the same position, of realizing that what I felt was a crush on my best friend, it is something you often don't understand, so kudos for that.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.