A review by lazygal
Pinned by Sharon G. Flake


This reads a little like an urban lit version of Pride and Prejudice, but Adonis is even less likeable than Darcy!

Told in alternating chapters, Autumn is a barely literate, barely numerate wrestler who is an amazing chef and is in love with Adonis. Adonis was born without legs and raised to be self-sufficient, he's also one of the top students in the class and the Assistant Coach for the wrestling team. Their story could have been a wonderful story about two teens from completely different worlds and backgrounds and how they come together (as in what I think is the source material) but Adonis is just horrible.

It's not just the Darcian "better than thou" attitude, it's Adonis' internal monologue that was simply unlikeable. Why Autumn, who seems to be a genuinely nice person with a serious problem, would continue to like him is beyond me - even Lizzie gave up on Darcy, including after he declared his love "against his better nature and reason".

ARC provided by publisher.