A review by cliobemuzedbookworm
Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life by Yiyun Li

I am going to sit on the rating for this one a bit. Sometimes a book will linger in your mind long past the finished date. I have a feeling this one might be one of those.
This was by no means an easy read and I could easily state that I've read it twice as I certainly did consume the majority of this book twice. The cadence of the narrative flow was haunting but also seemed to lull me into a state where I had difficulty grasping the author's meaning. However, on a second read I would feel like I had understood all along.
Regardless at the end of each essay I still wasn't really able to grasp the meaning of that particular essay.
I believe some of her final observations in te afterword best describe what I experienced when reading this: Sentences and paragraphs were written and rewritten under different circumstances, arguments reframed, thoughts revised; most of these essays took a year or longer to write. Coherence and consistency were not what I had been striving for.
That lack of coherence and consistency was definitely a big part of the difficulty for me, though there is also some order in all this chaos; some coherence throughout it all: books.
Intrigued to read more by this author and might give this one another ("third") read at some point.