A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
A Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro


Sometimes weird things happen when you read a book. Even though I didn't rate any of the books in this series five stars, I will miss this series now I've finished reading it. It will be weird not to have another Charlotte Holmes book waiting for me next week. It will be weird not to read about those two broken people slowly finding each other, healing each other and finding a way to build a life together. Because that was what this series was about. About two people finding themselves, apart from and with each other.

This book was a really nice conclusion to the series. In the previous three books so much had happened that it was quite impossible for Holmes and Watson to really be together. However, in this book they reconnect and for once they do so without being the main targets of a cold blooded killer. It's quite nice to see them working on a case in a more functional and less emotionally involved way. It's also good for Jamie and Charlotte to see if they can still love each other if their life is not threatened and if there are loads of tomorrows waiting for them.

The case itself wasn't too spectacular. It didn't need to be. We had quite a lot of spectacular cases in the previous books and it never did any good for Holmes and Watson. However, I did really enjoy figuring out what had happened and listening in on all the stories the new characters had to tell. Since the case wasn't too big and the action in this book not too prominent, the entire story was character driven. And not just because this was the case that brought Holmes and Watson together, but also because the other characters really got their chance to shine.

However, the true stars were Charlotte and Jamie. I like how they clearly wear the scars of everything that has happened to them. They are broken, they have to break free of their family and find their own way in life. This book gave them the chance to do that. They're free of their families and history. It's time to discover what they like and what they want and what they can be. After the epilogue I had a huge smile on my face, mostly because the build up towards the epilogue was so good and well done. The epilogue felt like a natural conclusion to this wonderful tale of two broken people.