A review by tracie
Different Seasons by Stephen King


Read this collection of novellas for the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge, book to movie category. I had already seen all the films before reading the book. The First story 'Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption' became the film 'The Shawshank Redemption'. A wonderful tale and very faithful adaptation.

The second story, Apt Pupil, was tougher going with the exploration of evil via a teen serial killer. I was surprised with the violence as I don't remember the film being this graphic. Despite having a soft spot for Brad Renfro and the great Ian Mckellan, the bloodlust in the story left me with no desire to rewatch the film any time soon.

The third story, The Body, is by far my favourite. The movie version, Stand By Me, is the main reason I chose to read this book. It's a pretty great adaptation. Being the same age as the actors while also coming of age at the time of it's release has it firmly cemented in a special place in my heart. Even after many viewings the final scene with River Phoenix fading away still hurts my heart.

There is a fourth story, The Breathing Method. Easily the strangest and most typical King one in the book. And not hard to see why it has so far escaped the hollywood treatment.