A review by anasatticbookblog
Seven Day Loan by Tiffany Reisz


Seven Day Loan was provided by Net Galley in exchange for a fair review. I picked up Seven Day Loan, The Siren and The Angel on NetGalley. They are all part of The Original Sinners series by Tiffany Reisz (clickfor reading order goodreads tells you to read this first, the author suggests reading The Siren). Though this story takes place 10 years before The Siren (see my review here), this should be read AFTER. There are also two FREE sequels to this on Tiffany Reisz's website which I will also review here.

If you don't want to read The Siren, no prob. This book and its sequel is a great read all on its own, it just ruins a little revelation in The Siren.

This novella is also a stand-alone in the 12 Shades of Surrender series, a series of 12 short stories by popular authors, all BDSM themed and re-branded. I looked up the series. Some stories sound great, others got really bad reviews, and others, I couldn't even find. For now, I'll just stick with this.

In Seven Day Loan, Eleanor ("Nora" from The Siren) is 23 and being loaned out by her Master for a week while he is in Rome. Daniel is a grieving widower and hasn't been with a woman since his wife/love of his life/slave, Maggie, passed away from cancer. Enter Eleanor. Though she is submissive, she is snarky and sarcastic. Maybe enough to wake this guy up from his self-imposed isolation and mourning. Eleanor is not happy about being loaned out, and though her Master has shared her before, he was always there.

These two quickly connect in a very big way. Daniel, who inherited millions when his wife died, was previously a librarian, and Eleanor worked in a bookstore and loves books. There is some interesting foreshadowing in this story, as you already know she will become an author. Both bibliophiles, they have a lot in common. Not only do they click in the library, they click in the bedroom as well. Though we know she is there on a seven day loan, you can't help but root for them to stay together in the end.

We see those tricky mind fucks from the D/s world come into play here. Will Daniel stop grieving and chase Eleanor? Will Eleanor leave her master, who can never fully commit to her, for the promise of a wonderful Master who can give her a family?

Since I read The Siren, I wasn't necessarily expecting a happy ending. But I knew it was a good ending, with more to come.

4.5 Stars for story 4.5 for Heat

Daniel Part Two is released chapter by chapter on Tiffany Reisz's website http://tiffanyreisz.com/storytime/freebies-sextras/. This book takes place about 1.5 years after Seven Day Loan. I recommend you take a break between the two. Let a little sadness for Daniel creep in. I read Little Red Riding Crop (another freebie) in between which shows Nora years later. Then dive right in to Daniel Part 2.

I fucking loved it. Being an HEA kind of girl, this was a perfect story for me. Daniel took Eleanor's advice and traveled the world. But he couldn't get Eleanor out of his mind. He came back wanting to claim her, but when he visited Kingsley to check in, he meets the beautiful Anya from Quebec. The virgin sub is being trained to be auctioned off in Kingsley's auction so she can support her numerous siblings. Virgins go for big bucks, so she is the star of the auction.

Anya shows only disgust and distain for Daniel, as she hates Canadians. She is snarky and fresh like Eleanor, and Daniel can't help but enjoy it.

This was a happier book with some awesome sex scenes, and I can't believe it was FREE on Tiffany's site! LOVED!!!

5 Stars for story, 5 for Heat

A Christmas Maggie was a short little 3 chapter take-off on the scrooge story with Christmases past, present and future. This was a FREE read on Tiffany's website and takes place about 6 months after Daniel Part 2.

Anya and Daniel are together, but she (and he) is concerned Daniel will never love Anya as much as he loves his late wife Maggie. So Daniel gets a visit from the Maggie Christmas angel, convincing Daniel he is doing the right thing.

I bawled my eyes out (good tears). I'm also a total Christmas sap. I love myself a good Christmas tale, and this was.

5 stars for story, 1 for Heat.

All in all, if I put these together as a story on their own, I may have liked this even more than The Siren. I really loved Daniel!