A review by beastreader
The Rabbit Hunter by Lars Kepler


This is the first book I have read in this series. You can tell the difference between American authors and authors from other countries. It seems that the authors from other countries take more liberties with their stories. This is a good thing.

In regards, to the action. There was none of that lacking. Also, you may lose count of all of the bodies that pile up. I read that some readers thought this book was on the violent side. I personally did not think it was but I could see where it might be for those who have a weaker taste for violence.

I did experience where because I had not rad the prior novels, I did not have an established relationship with Linna. So that did take away some from the book. There was not a great connection to Linna or the other characters in this book. Lastly, I did feel like this book could have been about a hundred pages shorter. I may go back and start with book one to see where the journey all began.