A review by caitlinxmartin
Touch: Queen of the Dead, Book Two by Michelle Sagara


Michelle Sagara, who also writes as Michelle Sagara West, is one of my favorite authors. If anyone asks me for a recommendation for a fantasy series as good as Game of Thrones, I always recommend her Sun Sword series and House Wars (the series that follows it). If someone is looking for something in the paranormal romance vein I recommend her Chronicles of Elantra series. Now that she's writing Queen of the Dead, a young adult series, I recommend it. When I am feeling really low and cast down, overburdened and in need of escape, I return to all of her books - they're smart, heartfelt, full of characters that can be adored or hated, and in worlds that are beautifully built. Best of all, much of her writing centers around questions of identity, but maybe more importantly family - the ones we're born into and the ones we create for ourselves. She's a great storyteller and I always enjoy roaming around inside of her creations.

Touch is book two in the Queen of the Damned series, a story about a teenage girl (Emma) who discovers that she is a necromancer after her boyfriend is killed in a car accident and her group of friends - an absolutely terrifying popular girl, a sweet and nerdy bookish girl, an autistic boy, and a pair of hunters whose job is to hunt down and kill necromancers. Before Emma, all necromancers that the hunters encounter have been evil - chaining the dead and channelling their energy for nefarious purposes. Emma is different - her powers are different as are her motivations and these books explore all of the characters as they come of age in the face of this talent.

What if someone you were still mourning came back? You could see them, touch them, but their touch was bone-chilling and could kill you if you held on too long. Would it be a happy return or would it be painful and regretful or some combination of all? What if they were sent back to you by an evil queen (think the Snow Queen for a corollary) who wanted to trap you and your powers? How would you navigate this? What if everyone you loved was endangered because you loved them? What then?

Touch is a rollercoaster ride of action, emotion, and lots and lots of great questions - many of which are left to the reader to resolve. I loved it. I really love the band of friends and the risks that they face to be just that - a band of friends who matter to each other because they choose to do so. Smart, sad, and fun, a great book for any young (or not-so young) adult with strong female characters and plenty to keep the reader up late. Can't wait for the next book - highly recommended.