A review by judya
A Celebration of Animation: The 100 Greatest Cartoon Characters in Television History by Joe Wos, Martin "Marty" Gitlin


Even clearing my mind of all the times I thought, "What is this writer thinking, not including ...?", I truly disliked this work. First of all, about a quarter of the entries had no image of the character discussed. Come on, it's a visual art. It needs pictures to describe it.
Secondly, it's repetitive. Each entry begins with a brief description. However, the summary essentially repeats the phrasing of the main description.
Third, there's a lot of white space on most pages. Take out the blanks and the repetition, and you have a 180 page book, not the nearly 300 pages at which it met the press.
This is one to check out from the library, not to purchase even from a remainder table.