A review by paddlefoot55
The Goldminer's Sister by Alison Stuart


ARC received from Harlequin/Mira Australia for an honest review

I have lost a bit of my reading mojo lately, however when I picked up The Goldminer's Sister, it was back with a vengeance baby!

Australian historicals have been my jam the last 6 - 12 months. Alison Stuart is a new to me author, however after reading this story, I will be searching out more in the future.

Eliza is the kind of woman I want to be when I grow up. She doesn't need a man to look after her. She is strong. She is feisty. She will fight for the truth and for what is hers.

I was transported to the Victorian goldfields the minute I opened The Goldminer's Sister. Hot, dusty and dangerous, so different from my world and Eliza's world in the UK. Ms Stuart has written wonderfully colourful characters and locations that leap off the page. I could almost hear and smell the town of Maiden's Creek (though I am sure the smell would not be such a good thing!).

I couldn't help but fall in love with Eliza and Alec as they deal with all that is happening around the - and to them.

Alec is the gruff kind of man that calls to me. I need to find an Alec for myself.

I was enthralled with this tale. Every time I put the book down, I found myself eyeing it beside me, and in the end I just had to read it all at one.

I look forward to what Ms Stuart brings us in the future.

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