A review by agrutle
Only You by Denise Grover Swank


Thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and Netgalley for the book in exchange for a honest review!

I was invited to read this book by Forever and I accepted before I really knew what this book was about. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I inhaled it in a matter of hours.

Kevin trusted his sister to buy him a house he could flip and make some money on. What he got could be loosely called a house. It was falling down, boards on the front porch rotted out and everything needing something done to it. He's back home and while its a crappy house he's got to make due with it. He's decided to also take a break from women, all of his relationships in the past have been with women who are a little crazy.

Holly doesn't deal well with relationships, not just romantic ones. Her parents died young and she spent the rest of her childhood with her grandmother with cousin. Now her grandmother has dementia and is slowly slipping away from them. Her cousin doesn't want to accept that her grandmother isn't the woman they grew up with, Their new neighbor might cause some issues with her self imposed ban on dating. He's funny, sexy and breaks down the barriers that she's built. There is only one problem, what will his mother think!?!

I really liked this one, I read it so fast and when I tend to do that I am so disappointed when its over. That was the case. I loved the introduction of the other bachelors, I assume they'll be the main characters in future books. Holly was great even if she was a little bit of a push over with everyone around her. I can't share everything but I urge you pick this one up it was a really good book with great characters and a good plot! Leave the author love in the form of a review!