A review by tani
The Nemesis by S.J. Kincaid


I had been looking forward to this book for about a year and a half, after loving the first two books in the series. Needless to say, the pressure on this book was huge. Did it live up to expectations? Mm, not quite, but I can't say that I'm utterly disappointed either. I felt like this was a more than worthy ending to the series, I just think it maybe needed a bit more substance to really knock it out of the park. There's definitely some serious repetition in this book,
Spoiler as Nemesis sets out time and again to deal with Tyrus, and make up for her previous failures, only to fall short. Of course, when I imagine how I would behave were I asked to assassinate my own husband, I can't think I would do even a little bit better, no matter how many atrocities he was committing. I absolutely can't fault Nemesis for that. However, it made for a much slower reading experience than I was expecting
. The book did still have crazy twists, as you would expect from the previous books in the series, but even those felt a bit toned down. I was expecting to be emotionally devastated by this book, and instead, I walked away just a bit shaken. Still, I am quite happy with the growth that Nemesis showed throughout the series, as well as the way that things ultimately ended up. I just felt like a few punches were pulled when they shouldn't have been.