A review by sandizzlereads
The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez


I am addicted to Abby Jimenez!

Just read this book, in fact if Abby writes it make it a part of your life.  Per usual for me, I start almost every book by Abby in audio format, we are all busy, audio is key for me.  But then with these books, I find myself grabbing the actual book to read when I can’t listen.  I just have to know how it’s going to end!

Sloane and Jason have the best possible meet cute and Jason isn’t even there for it!  Their relationship it definitely a practice in patience, vulnerability, and acceptance.  It’s a beautifully told story that you are not going to be able to put down.

At this point this is my 5th book of Abby’s and I only have one more to go! I just love how she tells a story, she writes real people, with real issues that you can connect with. And that’s what I find myself doing everytime I read her books.