A review by bgg616
The Long Gaze Back: An Anthology of Irish Women Writers by Sinéad Gleeson


This anthology came about because of the general neglect of women writers in Ireland and the failure to represent women's voices in such anthologies. Gleeson undertook the task to represent Irish women writers going back two centuries. The classic stories selected come from writers known for their work in the short story genre, as well as novels. The contemporary stories were both selected from collections and stories already published by living writers as well as written for this volume.

Some reviews of such collections name their favorites and may even critique all the stories. However this collection has 30 stories so that is not an approach that would work. There were stories that I found stunning, that moved me, and others that didn't leave much of an impression. Overall I enjoyed this collection and once I got moving finished it quickly. The joy of short stories.

Readers who have an interest in writing my Irish women writers will find this a must read. It is the 2018 One City One Book choice for Dublin, so it will be everywhere. And that's a good thing since these writers have been ignored too long.