A review by myra_
The Brede Chronicles by P.I. Barrington


This review first published on Oh Just Books.

This book was a futuristic fantasy with an amazingly detailed universe that took my breath away. P I Barrington has written this book beautifully and it is refreshing to see that she did not go with the cliché story arc of bad boy meets the girl and then suddenly everyone falls into a bed of roses. The story has really strong characters with complex characters and deep motivations that played a role into their actions. This contributed to a rich and intricate plot. The central characters are Brede, a harsh and dangerous hit man and Elektra, a resourceful and too-stubborn-to-give-up orphan girl.

Brede is almost an anti-hero. He is cold, calculating and vengeful. I’m glad that he did not turn into one of those characters who turned into mush as soon as he realized he had feelings for a girl. To the contrary, he became even more complex. To me, Brede seemed like a hard man to understand but I always believed that books are the mediums that you can use to live a hundred lives; they let you feel what you may never get a chance to feel in your real life.

Read the rest of the review here.