A review by book_concierge
Rise and Shine, Benedict Stone by Phaedra Patrick


Digital audiobook performed by James Langton.

Benedict Stone is a middle-aged man with problems. His jewelry shop in the village of Noon Sun is barely operational, his wife has left him, he hardly cleans his house, and in his rather depressed state he’s resorted to baked goods which have added on pounds. He’s stuck. And then a teen-aged niece he’s never met – the daughter of his estranged brother who lives in America – arrives unannounced at his door on a rainy night. Gemma says she’s on a visit and that she’s lost her phone and passport, so they can’t call her Dad, but “it’s Okay, he knows I’m here.”

Thus, begins this delightful novel of one man’s awakening. Benedict is a good man, but consumed by his desire to have children, and by guilt for a long-past dispute that resulted in the break with his brother. Gemma, who wants details of her family lore, pushes him to recall and reconcile. She’s also the catalyst for Benedict’s change – improving his diet, insisting he exercise, suggesting new options for the shop, and providing some “romantic” advice on how to win back his wife.

There are some wonderfully endearing hilarious scenes that result from Gemma’s romantic advice. But there’s quite a bit of serious drama as well. It seems that Benedict isn’t the only Stone family member who is good at running away from problems rather than facing them. And sprinkled throughout is a bit of the mythology and meaning of gemstones.

Patrick has crafted a sort of modern-day fairy tale, with a cast of eccentric characters (and the village is practically a character in itself), and a happy ending. It was a charming, heart-warming read.

The audiobook is performed by James Langton, who did a marvelous job. I really like the way he interpreted Benedict and Gemma.