A review by phoenixfaie
Happier Thinking by Lana Grace Riva


couple of weeks ago Lana Grace Riva reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in reading and reviewing a copy of her book "Happier Thinking" as I have been going through a rather... not great time recently I thought I would give her book a try.

It is only a short book of 50 pages so it can be read in one short sitting, but it's also a good size to leave in your bag and if you are having a bad day then you can flip it open and find a way to help prompt you to think of something positive as a way to prevent your mindset from spiralling downwards.

The book is split into 12 small chapters:

Don't write the day off

Turn negatives into positives

Journal good things

Much you can't control but your reactions you can

Be Kind

Dwell on the good

Act on what you can change

Don't compare yourself to imagined others

Accept changed plans

Change path when it stops looking appealing

Don't make assumptions

Question your thoughts.

I will be very honest, when I was reading these I found that I was guilty of SO many of them, if something bad happens in the morning then it does seem that the rest of my day does "go to shit" and I ignore anything positive that happens.

If I manage to mess something up then no doubt I will sit there and mentally beat myself up about it for hours after it.

I am convinced that certain friends want nothing to do with me, even though a logical explanation would be that they have their own lives to live and they might be going through a tough time themselves, but my brain is insisting that they aren't actually my friend- so now anytime they do contact me, instead of being happy to hear from them, I find myself initially questioning WHY they are suddenly messaging me when they hadn't for so long.

This book has opened my eyes a little and I'm hoping that if I start to put these tips into practice then I will start to notice a change in the future.

I did notice that Lana has actually written this in the style of just talking to a friend, which to me made it easier to read and absorb, I didn't feel like I was being forced into thinking or behaving a certain way.

Obviously this book might not work for everyone, and it may not be my holy grail book for sorting my life out and finding a way to cope with my anxiety and depression but I do hope it helps even if just a little bit.