A review by bookish_selkie
Everything That Burns by Gita Trelease


Everything That Burns returns to revolution in France, where Camille and Lazare are living through the aftermath of the fall of the Bastille. While Camille promises that she’s done with magic, she is tempted to use it for good when she meets a group of young girls fighting to keep their home. Surely just one pamphlet telling their stories couldn’t hurt? Public desire for the persecution of magicians begins to spark and Camille is forced to examine her beliefs about the nature of magic. When Lazare is compelled to use his balloons for military purposes, Camille must fight to protect her family and magician friends before they are vilified as traitors to the revolution.

Glittering with gorgeous descriptions and sensory details, I couldn’t put this book down! Everything That Burns is a well-paced and enthralling tale that effortlessly combines historical details about the French Revolution and fictional attitudes toward magicians. The magic system is unique and Camille’s journey to understand more about it was fascinating. I felt deeply attached to the characters and their perilous journey through the streets of Paris, especially Camille and Lazare. One of my favorite aspects of Trelease’s writing is the carefully woven sentences that set the scene, so you feel as if you’re in Paris. Camille’s fearless efforts to protect herself and her chosen family make it impossible to look away.

I really enjoyed All That Glitters (previously Enchantée), but Everything That Burns has completely captured my heart. This was a stunning conclusion to Camille’s story and I can’t wait to see what Gita Trelease writes next! Everything That Burns releases on February 2, 2021. Thank you so much to Gita Trelease, Flatiron Books, and Netgalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.