A review by thebookishhomesteader
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center


When I first started this book it seemed a little cliché, but as it went on I grew to love it. It starts out with a girl trying to run away from her troubles but getting stuck on a work assignment she really doesn’t want to do. That assignment gets interesting and more complicated when illness brings a family together. Then it all comes together when the assignment is done but they caught the wrong culprit. All wrapped up with an adorable little lovey-dovey ending. What girl hasn’t dreamed of having a famous person fall in love with them?!

I loved that the superstar wasn’t a pompous character like we normally see and the girl didn’t throw herself a pity party when things didn’t go her way like we also normally see. Two tough characters with difficult pasts that are able to open up and be vulnerable with each other was so refreshing. It made the storyline much more believe-able too!

Huge thanks to NetGalley for access to this one. Narration by Patti Murin was great as well.