A review by meganallenby
Lady Be Bad: A Duke's Daughters Novel by Megan Frampton


Yes, another Megan Frampton novel that gets five stars. it’s from the same series as the previous Megan Frampton novel and I do love a good historical romance series. 

She wrote a couple that just feels so authentic. I don’t know what Megan Frampton is doing, but she gets and understands human connection. 

This is a story of a girl who is being forced to wed a man that she doesn’t know, or barely knows. he is so busy trying to get his finances under order, due to his father being so terrible and mismanaging money, and so he asked his younger brother Alex to convince Eleanor that they will suit. During this, as one might suspect, Alex and Eleanor fall in love. 

I just love the way Megan Frampton writes. You see from both perspectives the struggles they go through and also the first buds of love. it’s an easy and effortless story to fall into. I love it so much definitely recommend.

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