A review by stormwhisper
The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman


I received an advance copy of The Infinity Courts from Simon & Schuster Canada via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Infinity Courts follows Nami, an 18-year-old girl plotting out her future when she's suddenly and tragically killed. She wakes up in the afterlife, and to her shock, finds it's been corrupted by Ophelia, a Siri-like AI assistant.

The Infinity Courts had a great premise, but ultimately failed to deliver on much of its promise. The concept was intriguing, but ultimately plot proceeded at a glacial place, the characters weren't compelling, and too much of the book was spent inside the main character's head as she grappled endlessly with her own morals.The Infinity Courts could have benefitted from a fast pace and more action in my opinion, in addition to better fleshed out characters.

The book did have some redeeming factors, notably the third act plot twist, which was well-done and surprising. I just wish the whole book had been as compelling as its final chapters.