A review by joyco68
The Wilding by C.S. Friedman


3.5 of 5

Trigger-warning: rape is a common motif in The Wilding

This was a difficult book to love - all the lead characters were highly unlikeable. But it was superbly written and the story was layered and complex. Although the ending felt abrupt and some storylines were left hanging.

ETA: This was a rereading of The Wilding for me. I am a big fan of C.S. Friedman. What was notable for me was that this book holds up and I feel, earns 3.5 stars even though it is now 20 years old. Not all science fiction survives through the decades. That this wasn't my favorite C.S. Friedman novel doesn't tarnish my enjoyment of her writing in the least. Even at her *worst* (and this isn't the worst) she's head and shoulders among many others in a crowded field.

(In full disclosure my favorite of all her works is her fantasy/supernatural based "Coldfire Triology.")