A review by booklovingredhead
Taking Chase by Lauren Dane


I knew I was going to love this book as soon as I picked it up. I immediately loved the heroine Cassie. She is such a strong, beautiful, individual. She is so easily loved. Now Shane Chase, he took some time for me to like. I didn’t particularly like him in the first book, he was an asshat. This book thought we saw a different side of Shane. While he did have that alpha, asshat, dominated way, he was so soft and sweet with Cassie. I love male leads that that.
I loved the tension leading up to the climax. The climax was so good in this book. It’s no surprise that Shane was a player in the first book, he had a line of women waiting for him. We saw a few of them in the first book. I thought it was strange how they didn’t try to fight Cassie for Shane, or try to ruin there relationship. We get a glimpse at it but it was almost a afterthought. Besides that, this book had everything steam, emotion, humour, and action. What more could you want. Can’t wait to read the rest of this series.