A review by kle105
Wild by Cheryl Strayed


There is no story I love more than one than inspires me to want to do more. Cheryl is a flawed human, she cheated on her husband, got involved with a man who was a heroin addict and in turn did heroin herself, she slept with multiple men just to feel. Those flaws may not make her likable but they do make her human. Does it make a difference if those flaws happened before or after her mother's death from Cancer?

She happens upon a book at an REI store about the Pacific Crest Trail and after leaving it behind comes back and buys the book, thus beginning the course of her embarking on the hike of her life. The hike to bring her back to center, to healing, and being found. No, she didn't got lost, other than the psychologically speaking. While embarking on a 1100 mile hike from California to Oregon Cheryl loses most of her toenails but also the emotional baggage she was carrying. Along the way she meets people who show her kindness, help her when she is down, and guides her to keep pushing forward. While things seem to never go right, she pushed through and gained her nickname of the trail, the Queen of the PCT. These stories serve to prove that we are all capable of greatness we just have to take that first step, and sometimes we find exactly what we are looking for along the way, ourselves.