A review by lsmoore43
Every Waking Hour by Joanna Schaffhausen


This was the fourth in a series and I did not read the first three. I did throughly enjoy this one though. I don't believe it took away from the story in any way me not reading the first books.

This is a great book. It has a couple of intense things going on at once. A young girl is kidnapped and her parents are very upset and worried. The mother, Teresa, had already lost a son years earlier in a brutal attack. He was murdered and the crime was never solved. The main character, Ellery, had been kidnapped at the age of fourteen also so took this case personally. She's also the cop on this case. Ellery will do whatever it takes to ensure that Chloe is safe. Even keeping her under constant care. She won't let her go out and do any of the things a normal teen does. She can't. She's afraid of something horrible happening to her like it did to her son all those years ago. You can't blame her for that.

This book takes you on lots of twists and turns. It is well written and the plot is great and easy to follow. I didn't figure out who the bad guy was at all. There is really a whole lot going on and lots of twists and turns. But it's very easy to keep up and know what is happening. I enjoyed this book a lot. The characters are all well developed and very likable. Maybe a couple of them you will want to hit but overall they are all easy to like. Relatable in many ways.

There is also a kind of love that may or may not be meant to be going on. Long story and I suggest you read this book to find out what that is all about. I did really enjoy this book. It kept my interest all the way through and didn't let me down at all. It surprised in where it should have and kept great pace. It was not bored at any point. I think this is a great series and I do intend to read more by this author.

Thank you #NetGalley, #JoannaSchaffhausen, #StMartin'sPress for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

4/5 stars and a high recommendation.