A review by turity
Heir to the Sky by Amanda Sun


Actual rating 2.5/5

I don't know what to say or how to describe my feelings for this book but let me give it a go. There was so much potential for the story to completely blow us away but in the end there was some essential ingredient missing.
Great concept: Kali is the future heir to a floating kingdom in the sky. She is a true believer of the ancient phoenix that brought them all up there. She is ready to burn for her people and light the way for them. Then things take a turn. A secret she learns leads her to become one of the fallen. Leaving behind the comforts and securities of home, she now has to battle the monsters that plague the earth, if she is to survive.

Ok so as far as I can remember I have not read many, if any, books about floating continents. Unique concept. And while I wanted to enjoy the journey with Kali I felt myself becoming very detached from her situation. Her thought process irked me because it was very black and white. Very basic I guess. Her character, especially through the first half of the novel came across as flat.

Griffin and Sisters: these were the characters I wanted more of. While Griffins attraction for Kali was this close to instalove I found the majority of his reactions pleasantly surprising. Not to mention he was super at kicking some monster butt. The sisters also suprised me. I don't know why but I was expecting hostility from all of them and instead they displayed kindness, compassion, and understanding.

The action: I enjoyed all of the monster kills. Esp. the last one Yay!

The revelations: there were some good moments I didn't see coming which is always neat. Mostly though the plot was predictable.

The ending: too quick and tidy, but then again I am used to reading trilogies/series. For a standalone I guess it was to be expected. Still I think the climax could have been heavier...should have made me feel more. I kind wanted to pour out my emotions by the end. Meh.

Overall: of course I would not read again. Might read a follow up if one was available purely for more Griffin and the Benu which I found didn't get the attention they deserved. Also Jonash seems like a character with sooooo much potential. But again....standalone.

I wish other people can enjoy this book more than I did. For me though it was not as exciting as I had hoped.