A review by julesbailey
Liar Liar by Deborah Nicholson


The blurb;
Theatre manager Kate Carpenter had imagined a relaxing summer sitting in the sun. Instead, as the city heats up and emotions soar, an arsonist is torching buildings.
After one fire brings the arsonist closer to home, Kate is frantic to find the guilty party. Who is the mysterious man following her and leaving cryptic messages? Why does the new maintenance worker always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Is the beautiful television reporter, who seems to turn up first at the fires, willing to get her story at any price? Kate also worries that her assistant Graham, facing emotional difficulties, might be involved.
And just when she is certain she has found the truth, her father turns up for a surprise visit and becomes a suspect. In a race against time, Kate fears that she may not be able to find the answers quickly enough to save her loved ones, or herself, from the flames.

My thoughts;
I borrowed this book from the library, seeing that it was in the crime section. By the name of the book and the blurb, I also expected to be a mystery novel, which in essence it was. But I have to admit... I was disappointed.
The book has a potentially good story line, and well done to Nicholson for being so creative on that part. However, I personally think it wasn’t written in the best way possible. It seems to have been written by an amateur if anything... this stems from the narrative between the characters. The structure of the sentences and the speech in general is very similar to when someone writes a fan fiction – attempts to be funny or flirty are made, but it seems so very cheesy.
I did enjoy the book, but it really wasn’t the greatest book I have ever read. Some of the leads we are taken down, especially when Kate’s father is introduced are somewhat interesting, and for a moment, I did really love the story. The characters in it were well developed, admittedly, and I adored Kate’s boyfriend, he was very sweet.
So, as you can see, this is more of an opinionated review rather than my usual review, but that’s because the blurb says it all! The twists and turns the book takes you down are very interesting, though not written in the way that could maximise their potential. There seemed to be a couple of loose ends when the book finished and the culprit of the book was a real surprise that even I was not expecting, so for that, I would recommend this book!
Overall, I would score this book a three out of five, not the worst book I have read, but not the best either.