A review by pensivepelican
Murder on Tour by V.M. Burns


Murder on Tour is book nine in the V.M. Burns Mystery Bookshop series. I’ve read, loved, and widely recommended the previous books. Her protagonist, Samantha Washington quit her job as a school teacher to open a mystery bookshop, following through on the dream she shared with her recently deceased husband. She had the second floor renovated into a loft where she lives. Like most cozy mysteries, Sam stumbles across mysteries she must solve and enlists her boyfriend, her grandmother, Josephine, and her friends to help. She is a big Agatha Christie fan and is writing a cozy of her own, a British Drawing Room Mystery set in the 1930s, “Murder at Wickfield Lodge,” which is now complete. Sam has embarked on a book tour for the novel. She feels out of her element at a speaking event where the other participants have gone full mean girl. But when a publicist is poisoned, Sam is the one who steps up to solve the murder.

I received this Advanced Reader Copy of Murder on Tour from Kensington Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.