A review by destak
Say Her Name by Francisco Goldman


Good gosh. I didn't think this one would ever end. There is another review on the site by Josh(?) which pretty much echoes my thoughts. Basically by trying to make Aura seem cute, quirky, endearing, Goldman manages to make her almost unbearable. She comes across as spoiled, selfish, irresponsible and quite frankly, just plain unlikeable. Though in all honesty, having been brought up by her petulant mother, Juanita, really didn't give her much of a chance. I felt the book only really hit its stride at the end when Goldman finally divulges the story of their last fateful trip together--that portion almost convinced me to give the book 3 stars. But in the end, even the strongest part of the narrative could raise the worst of it.

I'm somewhat interested in reading some of Goldman's non-fiction works. Perhaps when the sour taste of this one has faded somewhat, I will search them out.